HomeIslamHow Many Aspects Of Truthfulness In Islam

How Many Aspects Of Truthfulness In Islam

Truth in Islam encompasses more than just telling the truth. It is a profound concept that permeates every aspect of a Muslim’s life. Guiding their intentions, actions and interactions. In Islam, truthfulness is seen as the alignment of one’s inner beliefs with outward actions. Ensuring that every action, word and intention is in accordance with the principles of honesty. Or integrity prescribed by Allah. This holistic approach to truth promotes personal growth, strengthens communal bonds. It deepens one’s relationship with God. Understanding the various aspects of truth in Islam. It shows importance in promoting a just and virtuous society.


Honesty and being straightforward are important qualities that should be shown in both our thoughts and actions. A true believer’s honesty should never be compromised. The Qur’an clearly highlights the importance of honesty and integrity. It says,

“O you who believe! Act with reverence for God, be pious, and always speak true, proper, and straightforward words” (Ahzab 33:70).

This verse tells us that a person of faith must always be honest.

Even when we have done something wrong, we should never lie to cover it up. Instead, we should immediately apologize and try to make up for the mistake.

A person who values honesty will never lie, no matter what. They don’t see lying as an option or a solution. So, someone who follows the moral teachings of the Qur’an doesn’t have to deal with the burden and consequences of lying.

Those who say,

“Our Lord is God” (Fussilat 41:30)

And stay on the right path, according to this verse, will be visited by angels who say,

“Do not fear or grieve; but rejoice in the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised” (Fussilat 41:30).

Honest and sincere people will live a peaceful life because they can be trusted.

Moreover, those who live this admirable way of life in this world will experience even better rewards in the next life. God has promised such rewards to those who are righteous and honest:

God will say,

“This is the Day when their truthfulness will benefit those who were true to their word. For them are Gardens with rivers flowing beneath them, to live in forever. God is well-pleased with them, and they are well-pleased with Him. That is the supreme triumph.” (Maeda 5:119)

The essence of being righteous is to “Pursue what is exactly right (in every matter of the Religion) as you are commanded (by God)…” (Hud 11:112; Shura 42:15). God sent the Prophets as examples of righteousness and integrity. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. All the Prophets sent before him were the best examples of righteousness. The Qur’an also mentions righteousness and truthfulness when describing Abraham, Ishmael, and Enoch, peace be upon them all (Maryam 19:41, 54, 56).

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Also taught about honesty in some hadith. Ibn Mas’ud explains, “God’s Messenger said, ‘Loyalty and truthfulness will lead a person to do good things that please God, and these will bring that person to Paradise. For he will speak honestly and seek after righteousness and in the end will be recorded as very truthful in the presence of God. But lies will lead a person to overstep the bounds, and this will bring him to the Fire. A lying person will pursue lies and in the end he will be recorded as a great liar in the presence of God.’”

In another hadith from Abu Musa, the Prophet spoke of the reward of a truthful Muslim who is trusted with protecting someone else’s property:

“The faithful trustee who gives what he is commanded completely and with a good will. And who delivers it to the one he was told to give it to, is regarded as one of the two (i.e., God gives him a reward like the owner of the trust) for giving charity.” In a different version of the same hadith, Nasai adds,

“A believer is like a wall for another believer; they can lean on and rely upon one another.”

The Good-Doers

Goodness is not that you consider the East or the West as the Qiblah and face them. But the goodness is that people believe in God and the Last Day and the angels and the Book (of God) and the Prophets. And give the wealth to relatives and orphans and the needy and travelers and beggars and spend it on the redemption of necks) and pray and give zakat. And when you make a commitment, keep it. And persevere in hardship and suffering and in the time of (battle) warfare. These are the people who are true in faith and these are the ones who fear (God). (Surah Al-Baqara: Verse 177)

The verse is talking about the righteous and describing the reality of their condition. It defines their beliefs, actions and morals.

About their actions it is said: These are the ones who are true [to their covenant]. The word siddaq, as indicated above, means honesty or truthfulness. Usually we limit it to honesty in our speech. However, truth has a wider meaning and is not limited to truth in speech. This includes our actions. This will be explained in the next verse.

So the verse is referring to those believers who are true believers and truthful in their claim to be believers.

They are patient and truthful, obedient and charitable, and ask forgiveness [of Allah] at dawn. (Surat Ali Imran: Verse 17)

This verse is telling about the five attributes of believers. Another attribute that is mentioned is honesty and truthfulness.

Integrity and truthfulness refers to the consistency between one’s outward words and actions with one’s innermost beliefs and beliefs. It is a very broad meaning and includes all other virtues. In other words, it is a fundamental virtue.

Since it covers all virtues, it is not necessary to mention other virtues in the verse. It must be concluded that in this verse it means only truth and honesty, which is what most people mean by this word.

Indeed, Allah fulfilled His promise to you when you were killing them with His permission. Until you lost heart, quarreled over the matter, and then He showed you disobedience to whom you loved. . Some of you desire this world and some of you desire the Hereafter. Then He turned you away from them to test you. Surely He has forgiven you, for Allah is Merciful to the believers. (Surah Aal Imran: Verse 152)

In the 2nd year of AH, the Muslims won the Battle of Badr, and God promised them future victories. The next year, they fought in the Battle of Uhud. They were winning at first. But because they disobeyed the Messenger of Allah and his family and left the place he had told them to guard, the enemy attacked again, and They lost the war.

They complained to the Prophet, saying God had promised them victory. This verse responds to their complaints, explaining that God’s promise was true, but their weakness, disobedience, and arguing caused their defeat.

God’s promises don’t mean we can ignore our responsibilities. God’s help is there as long as we fulfill our duties.


Being truthful covers a wide conceptual meaning and does not mean only being truthful in one’s words and speech. Rather, being truthful means that a person’s actions and beliefs are compatible with each other and are in accordance with reality.

An honest person not only speaks rightly and truthfully but also acts accordingly and sees the truth and reality of everything.

The position of being the most truthful or righteous is not something that all believers can attain and most of them will be united with this group in the Resurrection along with other righteous groups as mentioned in these verses. Moreover, God will deal with them in the same way with His mercy and kindness.

Safia Noreen
My Name is Safia Noreen. I try To do something New. This Simple Effort For You so That You Can Get Correct information. I Thanks Allah All the Time Allhamdullah ❤️


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