HomeIslamHow Many Holy Books In Islam

How Many Holy Books In Islam

Islam, which means “submission to God’s will,” is an Ibrahimi religion. The central belief of Islam is, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Muslims are the followers of Islam. Islam provides a complete way of life for Muslims. A Muslim must accept all of Allah’s books. In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah says that those who truly believe in the Hereafter, the Quran, and earlier revelations are rightly guided.

Every holy book contains the revealed, uncreated word of Allah. Islam accepts Allah’s revelations, making it unique among the Ibrahamic faiths . Surah Al Hadid in the Quran confirms that Allah sent divine scriptures through His messengers to guide people. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, contains the revelations given to Prophet Muhammad.

The Quran was revealed over a 23-year period in the seventh century CE. Muhammad delivered these revelations during sermons and gatherings, and scribes wrote them down. Hazrat Abu Bakr, the first caliph of Islam, ordered the verses and chapters to be compiled into a book, which has been the Muslim holy book ever since.

How many holy books are there in Islam?

There are four holy books of Allah in Islam. Each revealed to different prophets at different times:

  • Tawrat: revealed to Prophet Musa (AS) (Moses)
  • Zabur: revealed to Prophet Dawud (AS) (David)
  • Injeel: revealed to Prophet Eesa (AS) (Jesus)
  • Quran: revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

As Muslims, we believe that Allah sent these holy books to His prophets for the benefit of mankind. These books were meant to spread His word across the world. Unfortunately, most of these revelations have either been lost or altered over time. They have been mixed with myths, traditions, and personal desires, making them quite different from what Allah originally revealed.

The Quran, however, has remained unchanged and will stay in its original form until the Day of Judgment. It is the only book that can be fully trusted. Below, we discuss the four revealed Islamic sacred books in more detail.


The Tawrat is the message that Prophet Musa (Moses) received from Almighty Allah. In the Quran, this sacred book is referred to as the Law of Moses. The Tawrat is often associated with the Torah of the Jewish faith and the Old Testament of the Christian faith. Unfortunately, the original text of the Tawrat has been lost over time.

“We sent down the Torah to Musa with guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to Allah’s will used it to judge the Jews. As did the rabbis and priests who were entrusted with protecting Allah’s books and were witnesses to them. Do not fear people, but fear Me. Do not sell My verses for a small price. Those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are disbelievers.”


The Zabur is the holy book revealed to Prophet Dawud (AS), known in English as David. The word “zabur” in Arabic means “songs,” indicating the chants or hymns Prophet Dawud received as revelations. Similar to the Tawrat, the original text of the Zabur is no longer available. In the Holy Quran, Allah mentions:

“We gave the Zabur to Dawud.”


The Injeel is the holy book revealed to Prophet Eesa (AS), known as Jesus. It is often mistaken for the New Testament of the Bible, but the Injeel refers specifically to the Gospel. Like other Books of Allah, the original text of the Injeel is no longer accessible. Muslims are prohibited from reading altered holy books. The Holy Quran contains the message of the Injeel.


The Holy Quran is the last and final book revealed by Allah. It is the most revered among the three previous holy books. The Prophet Muhammad received the Quran as a revelation over 23 years, starting when he was 40 years old. The angel Gabriel revealed it in the Arabian cities of Mecca and Medina between 610 and 632 CE.

Unlike other holy books, the Quran remains in its original form. Allah’s promise to preserve His word eternally holds true even after 1400 years. The Quran has been studied in its original Arabic form for over a thousand years. It remains accessible in a consistent edition. The Quran encompasses the central message of all four of Allah’s revelations. It is known by various names, including Kitab, Al-furqan, Kalam, Zikar, Huda, and Shifa.

How many chapters are there in the Quran?

The Quran has 114 chapters in total. Each chapter is made up of verses called ayahs, each with its own significance and meaning. These chapters were revealed with different guidelines and objectives.

Determining the exact number of verses in the Quran is difficult due to various copies and editions. Generally, there are 114 chapters and approximately 6,236,631 words in the Quran. For example, Surah Al Baqarah has 286 verses, Surah Al-i-Imran has 200 verses, Surah Yunus has 98 verses, and Surah Al-An’am has 165 verses.

The Quran’s Account of Creation

The Quran describes the narrative of creation. Stating that Allah created the heavens, the earth, and everything between them in six days. It also mentions the creation of Adam and Eve, who are considered the first prophets in Islam.

Islam’s Claims Regarding the Quran

All the chapters of the Quran, except for the opening surah, are addressed to Allah. The complete Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. The Quran is considered a unique revelation from Allah, and it is mentioned in the Quran itself as a verification of previous scriptures.

How the Quran Provides Guidance for Life

The Quran serves as a comprehensive guide for Muslims, providing instructions on how to live, love, give charity, be humble, pray, and fast. It contains supplications for various situations. Such as eating, sleeping, traveling, and seeking forgiveness. Additionally, the Quran emphasizes peace and discourages division among believers.

What the Quran Says About Facts and Science

Islam sees no conflict between scientific understanding and religious belief. The Quran contains scientific information and imagery. Muslims to contemplate the wonders of creation and seek knowledge. It mentions the signs of Allah in the heavens and the earth, urging people to reflect on the universe’s marvels and follow the laws set by Allah.

Man Creation

Man was created from clay. Then placed as a drop of sperm, which developed into a clot of blood. Then a lump, then bones clothed with flesh, and finally became a complete creature. This process showcases Allah’s remarkable ability to create.


Mountains may seem firmly fixed, but they too pass away like clouds. This illustrates Allah’s perfect order in disposing of all things.


The Quran describes how Allah created the night, day, sun, moon, and other celestial bodies. Each following its own path without catching up or outstripping the others.

Quran and Its Role in a Muslim’s Life

The Quran holds significant importance for Muslims because they believe it is Allah’s divine message revealed to Prophet Muhammad through Gabriel. It serves as a guide for life, providing instructions to win Allah’s favor and attain heaven. The Quran has seven unique qualities, including its purpose of life. The belief in one Allah. The importance of moral values. The portrayal of Prophet Muhammad as an ideal role model, predictions, influence on daily life, and teachings grounded in logic.


While previous divine texts also contained creation myths, prophecies, and judicial decisions, they may have become corrupted over time. However, the Quran, addressed to all humanity, supersedes them all. It has legal implications for people of all races and tribes. The Quran, along with Islam’s other sacred books, demonstrates Allah’s mercy by providing truth to diverse human populations and offering them the opportunity to accept it.

Safia Noreen
My Name is Safia Noreen. I try To do something New. This Simple Effort For You so That You Can Get Correct information. I Thanks Allah All the Time Allhamdullah ❤️


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