HomeIslamIs Islam the True Religion?

Is Islam the True Religion?

Islam is a call from God to humanity, asking them to submit their will and power to His infinite power and supreme authority. Islam serves as a guiding light, showing humanity the path to safety and protecting them from the pitfalls of vice. It embodies morality intertwined with compassion and perfection. Islam provides a framework for life, lifting humanity beyond mere physical desires and animalistic impulses that jeopardize spiritual well-being and degrade moral values.

Textual evidence

Evidence for the advent of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad can be found in various texts. Including previous scriptures and the Quran. In Deuteronomy 18:18, it is prophesied that God will raise a Prophet similar to Moses, who will speak on behalf of God. Throughout the Bible, references to ‘the Prophet’ are often associated with the Messiah and John the Baptist.

This Prophet is recognized as Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam.

Additionally, he is referred to as ‘Elijah’ coming from the Arabian Peninsula. With mentions of light emanating from the mountains of Pharan.

The Quran also acknowledges these textual references, recounting stories of the Jews and Christians.

Jesus gave glad tidings to his people about a final Prophet named Ahmad who will come after him.

Surah 3 (Aal-Imran) mentions that, Allah has taken a covenant from all prophets and messengers to believe in this final prophet. Who will bring the same message of monotheism as conveyed by all previous prophets and messengers.

Logical Evidence

Jesus’ message and his short time on earth indicated that another prophet was needed to solve all problems and fully guide humanity. Jesus Himself stated that He did not come to introduce something new but to fulfill existing teachings. Before the arrival of the Prophet of Islam, the world was in chaos and chaos. The two great powers were constantly at war without regard for the weaker ones. Social injustice was rampant, and moral standards had fallen significantly. This chaotic situation highlighted the need for a religion that could restore peace. At this critical juncture, Islam emerged, offering a comprehensive system of social justice, rights, equality, enlightenment and morality.

Different Evidence

There are so many different evidences that Islam is a religion of truth. These include the following:

Modern science provides evidence to support Islam. The Qur’an contains numerous scientific facts that were unknown at the time of its revelation and have only recently been discovered. This is a strong proof of the truth of the Qur’an. The Qur’an mentions details about the development of the fetus in the womb (23:12-14), the layers of the earth (76:2-3, 65:12), celestial bodies such as stars and planets, the process of rain. , and various other phenomena that only scientists have deep knowledge in their respective fields.

Islam teaches people to think deeply about themselves, the world, and everything around them. If Islam was not true, it would tell people not to use their minds and to stop thinking. (Refer to Surahs 2:164, 6:11, and 6:95-100 for more information.)

The Quran is the forever message of Islam and an amazing miracle that nobody can copy. Even though Arabs were experts in language, they couldn’t make anything like the shortest verse of the Quran when they were asked to do it.

People witnessed many incredible miracles during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet. Some of these miracles included water flowing from between his fingers, the moon splitting in two, and even talking to a lizard, which recognized him as the Messenger of Allah. Many more miracles were witnessed by those who lived with him.

These are some of the numerous proofs that support Islam and show that it is the eternal message of Allah and the true religion.


Islam is like a message from the highest power, telling people to give up their own control and follow the greater power above. It’s like a guiding light, showing people the right path and keeping them safe from bad things. Islam teaches kindness and trying to be perfect, giving people rules for living that are more important than just doing what feels good in the moment.


What proves that Islam and Prophet Muhammad came into being?

There are different writings that show Islam and Prophet Muhammad existed. These include old books and the Quran. Parts of the Bible, like Deuteronomy 18:18, and things Jesus said also talk about this. Looking at history, it makes sense that a message from God, like Islam, would come to make the world better.

How does science today show that Islam is true?

Today, science has found many things in the Quran that people didn’t know about when it was written. This includes stuff about how babies develop, the earth’s structure, stars and planets, and weather. The fact that the Quran talks about these things correctly shows it must be from God.

How do miracles help prove Islam is true?

The miracles that people saw when Prophet Muhammad was alive, like water coming from his hands and the moon splitting, show that he was a prophet. These miracles prove that Islam is true and comes from God.

How does Islam make people think deeply?

Islam tells people to think about themselves, the world, and how things were made. The Quran says to use your brain and think about life’s mysteries. This shows that believing in God and thinking logically can go together.

Why is the Quran special forever?

The Quran is special because it’s written so well and has stayed the same for a long time. Even though language and writing have changed, no one has made anything like the Quran. This proves it’s from God and has a message that lasts forever.

Safia Noreen
My Name is Safia Noreen. I try To do something New. This Simple Effort For You so That You Can Get Correct information. I Thanks Allah All the Time Allhamdullah ❤️


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